Posted by: inthewordsofwimple | June 21, 2009

It’s a jungle out there

We waited a full week after the frost warnings ended to plant the garden. This is the top tier. It may not look like much, but I won't have to buy lettuce for the rest of the summer if all goes well. With the recent rain, the lettuce is thriving!

We waited a full week after the frost warnings ended to plant the garden. This is the top tier. It may not look like much, but I won't have to buy lettuce for the rest of the summer if all goes well. With the recent rain, the lettuce is thriving!

Things are starting to grow and I am getting more and more anxious to eat the fruits of my labor. With all the recent rain, I think some of the plants in the garden aren’t faring as well as others. The lettuce in the garden is getting huge and lush, and the okra (although it was idealistic of me to think it would ever grow well here, even though I started it indoors) is looking pretty poor. Tomato plants are looking good, too. Hopefully we get all this rain early, and have a sunny July. Last year, we had many green tomatoes because of late season rain. Sheesh.
On a good note, the flowers are loving the rain. I have gerber daisies and cosmos and pansies and several other things that were given to me by friends that have yet to bloom. I have been told they are going to be “gorgeous.” I spent over $100 on flowers last year. This year, everything was either given to me or came up from random seedlings of annuals that aren’t supposed to come back year after year, but ended up all over the yard. What luck! I will share my progress on the garden. Hopefully one of these days it will clear up and the sun will come out.

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